Sunday, September 18, 2011

Apple Trees and Lonely Roads

I love apple trees. I think they are a very interesting species of tree. If you ever seen them in the winter they are especially creepy. For the past three years I've been driving by this orchard on the way to my friends. This is the first time I actually got out and took some pictures.

I'm always so jealous how every god damn person who takes a pic, it looks so damn artsy and cool. Well F U guys. I can do artsy and cool, with all my different photo apps on my phone and computer.

It took me like three and half hours to pick which ones I actually wanted to put up here. I had some taken by camera and some by my phone. Photo apps on my phone are awesome, but how can I figure out the awesome ones on a 3 x 4 inch screen? There was a lot of uploading, downloading, sideloading (I don't know what sideloading is, but it needed to be in there) from computer to phone back to computer.

I'm happy with the pictures; you should love them as well. Can't wait til winter to get pictures without their leaves.


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