Below is my list of pet peeves, WTF's, and why don't yous, in no particular order.
1. I got this first one from Becky, never pull out in front of or cut someone off if their car is not as nice as yours. Excellent point. I drive a shitty little Saturn. If I pull out in front of a Lexus, do you think they want to slam in the back of my bumper? Fuck no! They know, and I know their car costs a hell of a lot more to fix than mine. But ultimately remember, that you shouldn't ever cut off a Chevy S-10 from 1987. First off, I'll be lucky if the guy even has insurance. Second, that vehicle is probably still made of metal; it will fuck my car up and leave not a scratch on the S-10.
2a. Flicking people off while driving. I'm sort of steering away from this. I used to be a big proponent of flicking someone off after they did something ridiculous and possibly mouth to them that I will kill everyone in their car if I ever see them again. I've been known to slow down and roll my window to scream how much of a dumbass they are. My friend Alisha has told me instead of flicking off someone, that I should give them the "thumbs up". I like that a lot. However, in the course of my road rage I haven't always been able to do that.

2b. I also got this from Becky. No flicking people off within in a five-mile radius of work. You should never shit where you eat. I eat at work, therefore no poop please. What is the worst thing besides an accident? Flicking some doosh bag off because he totally didn't use his turn signal (another pet peeve of mine) and you give him the ol' number one gun salute, only to have him follow you back to your job. Then you have to help him. Doesn't increase your standing of getting a raise.
3. What the fuck is up with peeps not using their turn signals? Yes, I understand that you maybe in the turning lane, but as we all know that does not guarantee that you will turn. Maybe you'll merge back into the straight lane. I don't fucking know! Just use it, cops can pull you over for anything; don't let it be for not using your turn signal. Ask yourself, how hard is it to hit the little lever on your steering wheel? Is it so fucking hard that you may not be able to turn the wheel then? Are you so lazy that you can't expend a little bit of energy to do that? You seem to be able to text with your hands and eat a cheeseburger all while driving, yet you can't seem to use your turn signal. You do not win.
4. For the love of god, please do not use the passing lane on the highway to go exactly 55.5 mph when the person in the slow lane is going 55 mph. If you want me to murder you, keep doing that. Get the fuck over please! Don't you know I need to get to wherever I'm going fast! Fast damn it!
6. Merging. Let's look at the dictionary definition: to combine, blend, or unite gradually so as to blur the individuality or individual identity of: They voted to merge the two branch offices into a single unit.
Do you know how to do that? Because I think 75% of people do not. I drive on two different highways sometimes four times a day going back and forth from work. It never ceases to amaze me at how many people stop at the end of the merge lane. How the fuck are you supposed to merge with traffic if traffic is going 55 and you are going 0.0??? It's called merging for a fucking reason, you blend in with oncoming traffic at the rate of speed the traffic is going.
7. Driving drunk or buzzed driving. Now, I can't come out and actually condone drunk driving. But if you have to do it, make sure you have both hands on the wheel at the 4 and 8 o'clock position of the steering wheel. Ryan's dad taught me that. It totally works. If you have your hand at the top of the wheel and you pass out or sneeze, you are going to swerve or even worse wreck. Then you have to run away from the scene of the accident. Doesn't help with five-o.
8. The best time to drive home after drinking is during the day. You can see the road!! As long as your eyes are open. Not that I've ever done this, but I heard it's so much easier.
OK, I think I have the rules that are most important, with less swearing than I thought I would have to put in the post. Do you have any rules that need to be added?
To add another to #2..The point and laughing maneuver works quite well too..Seems to enrage them even more. ~Jenn
ReplyDeleteOH I HAVE ADD-ONS, but I agree with nearly every point you have!
ReplyDelete3c. Turn OFF your turn signal if you are done turning! Don't you hear the ticking, you deaf person? How about that blinking light on your dash?
9. Look in your blind spot! It's called BLIND SPOT for a reason!
10. If it is snowing and/or there is ICE on the roads, I don't care what you're driving, ICE IS NO RESPECTER OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE OR OTHERWISE!
11. Left turns: Don't try to turn left at impossibly ridiculous intersections. Plan ahead for crying out loud and avoid this at all costs! There is almost ALWAYS another way!
I adore every single piece of advice in this entire post. My 91 year old grandmother (yes she still drives) once informed me that when people tick her off she gives them "one of these" then threw her index finger up in the air. She told me it gets the point across.
ReplyDeleteAmazing. I agree with each and every single beautiful point.
ReplyDeleteMy only add on would be
-Turn your lights on in fog and rain. It's not for you, its for everyone to see you. So you don't die. Win.Win.