Sooo....originally I was going to post about my father in law's awesome potato soup. But that just got bumped til tomorrow. Tomorrow is me and Ry's five year wedding anniversary. Eat that for dinner! Quite a few people thought we were definitely not going to be married this long. But, that is a whole different blog post.
Anyhow he had a dozen beautiful long stem roses delivered to my office. The first things my coworkers' said was now I better put out. I love the people I work with! I replied yes, I would make sure everyone will be taken care of in my house. LOL
These flowers are so big, I couldn't even get them in the whole pic!!
Don't the flowers look great against my orange walls?
Ryan could have sent me these flowers at home tomorrow, but he wants peeps to be jealous up in this piece. And you know what? I'm totally cool with that. Can't wait for the rest of the weekend to start.
Excellent job Ryan! Congrats Rita!!